Negative pressure therapy
In 2019, the American multinational company 3M bought KCI, a global leader
in the field of negative pressure therapy for wound healing. Aspironix continues to distribute these products
in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, now as a partner of 3M.

The VAC ULTA™ Vacuum Wound Treatment System is an integrated wound care system that provides vacuum wound treatment (VAC® Therapy) with drip/instillation/irrigation (VAC VeraFlo™ Therapy) options. The purpose of vacuum wound therapy with irrigation is to create an environment that promotes secondary or tertiary (delayed primary) wound healing by preparing the wound bed for closure, reducing swelling, promoting granulation tissue formation and promoting blood flow, and finally by removing and diluting exudates and infectious material much more rapidly than the application of conventional negative pressure. Thanks to the use of negative pressure therapy with instillation, the length of treatment is shortened by 30% (i.e. it is a saving of funds and days spent in ICU, ARO), a 44% increase in the formation of granulation tissues, a reduction of surgical debridement by up to 53% and in last but not least also to reduce the consumption of antibiotics, anesthesia and additional medical devices.
The VAC ULTA™ Vacuum Wound Treatment System is indicated for patients with chronic, acute, traumatic, subacute and dehiscence wounds, second-degree burns, ulcers (such as diabetic, pressure, or venous insufficiency), skin flaps, and grafts. The treatment itself is the most successful and more effective, the sooner the patient with the defect is placed on negative pressure treatment with irrigation.
Principle of negative pressure therapy with instillation - "blue arrows" indicate the inflow of flushing solution, which acts in the wound for 10 - 30 min., during which exudate and infectious material is diluted. At this stage, solid particles are also detached. "The 'green and orange arrows' show the next phase, i.e. the onset of negative pressure therapy, when all infectious material is suctioned out over a period of 2-4 hours. The whole process is repeated periodically for 24 hours. The dot in the middle shows the SENSAT.R.A.C.™ technology - a patented technology that automatically maintains a set vacuum directly in the wound.

V.A.C. ULTA Therapy System - can be used for treatment with classic vacuum or vacuum therapy with instillation. Canisters 500ml, 1000ml. A wide range of rinsing solutions can be used in instillation therapy.
ACTIV.A.C.™ Therapy System provides negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) for use on a variety of chronic and acute wound types. It is a flexible treatment that can be used in the hospital, community or home setting with appropriate precautions in place. It is a very small, discreet device measuring 19.3 x 15.2 x 6.4 cm and weighing 1.08 kg with an attached collection container. For patients, the closed system helps to reduce unpleasant odours, allows a rapid return to normal social life and significantly faster wound healing.
The pad displays SENSAT.R.A.C.™ technology - a patented technology that automatically maintains a set vacuum directly in the wound.
The principle of vacuum therapy - the application of vacuum, continuous or intermittent, allows the suctioning of exudate, infectious material and all solid particles from the wound.
Prevena™ Therapeutic Incision Management System (PREVENA™) is designed for use on freshly closed surgical incisions with surrounding intact skin in patients at risk of postoperative complications, especially surgical wound breakdown and SSI (Surgical Site Infection). An important step for the application of Prevena™ is the classification of the patient at risk: related to the type of surgical wound, the actual type of procedure and other associated diseases of the patient. The principle is to maintain isolated environment by means of a foam cover and vacuum applied along the entire closed surgical wound immediately after closure of the surgical wound. The layer between the Prevena™ cover and the skin contains a patented silver-enriched, anti-adherent membrane, thereby eliminating potential microbial colonization within the material and providing a barrier to infection from the external environment. Continuous application of the covering should last a minimum of two days and a maximum of seven days. The system can be used for home patient care, but all changes of Prevena™ coverings must be performed under direct medical supervision.
Prevena™ therapeutic system maintains a continuous negative pressure of -125 mmHg, keeping wound edges firmly together, removing fluids from the wound, increasing blood microcirculation in the incision and around the wound, eliminating hematomas and seroma incidence by up to 40%. Clinical studies report a 30% to 35% reduction in wound dehiscence with Prevena™.

ABThera™ SensaT.R.A.C.™ Dressing is designed to temporarily cover an open abdominal wall in cases where primary closure is not possible or repeated abdominal interventions are required. The indication for this dressing is for open abdominal wounds with exposed bowel and internal organs including, for example, abdominal compartment syndrome. The dressing is designed to effectively and efficiently remove dense fluid and infectious material from the abdominal compartment and to ensure even distribution of negative pressure, particularly on the underside of the abdominal cavity between the bowel and its villi. The volume and nature of the exudate in the canister should be monitored regularly during the patient's treatment. Abdominal coverage is most often applied in the operating room. ABThera™ dressing contains a patented, anti-adhesive Visceral film that is placed directly on exposed bowel, organs, blood vessels or nerves without the risk of subsequent adhesions.
ABThera™ dressing can be used with the stationary V.A.C. ULTA device, but also with the portable ActiV.A.C. device.
SNAP™ treatment system is a single-use device for the application of vacuum therapy for patients who may benefit from wound care in the home environment during so-called outpatient treatment.
SNAP™ system is indicated for the removal of exudate, infectious material and tissue debris from chronic, acute, traumatic, subcutaneous and dehiscent wounds, second-degree burns, ulcers (e.g. diabetic, vascular or pressure), surgically closed incisions, skin flaps and grafts. The SNAP™ treatment system has its own canister that drains exudate away from the covering foam. It fully replaces the vacuum functionality of large, stationary and portable vacuum devices. It maintains the most effective vacuum value of 125mmHg, which can be corrected to 75mmHg with a cartridge as required. It is a mechanical system that operates by spring (i.e. no battery power). The set includes a hydrocolloid cover that can be cut in any way.
The functional therapy consists of a disposable, mechanical SNAP™ cartridge and a foam SNAP™ Advanced Dressing Kit available in several sizes and designs.
SNAP - disposable, mechanical cartridge, polyurethane foam and hydrocolloid dressing.
SNAP - a very discreet device that can be concealed in a sleeve or trouser leg.

Fistula Solution are products designed for the solution of fistulas, i.e. for the diversion of fistulas (fistulas): enteroatmospheric, enterocutaneous, as well as for stomas near an incision or defect or for unusually shaped skin defects. It is a one-piece, compressible isolation device made of soft polymer, which can be very well cut, shaped and adjusted according to the size of specific fistulas. With the Fistula Solution, the drainage and isolation of toxic enfluent is maximally controlled outside of the wound where vacuum therapy or vacuum therapy with lavage is deployed. Strict control of enfluent is essential to protect the wound bed from the irritating and damaging effects of bowel contents, as well as the natural formation of new granulation tissue.
Fistula Solution - product "Crown" can be further shaped and cut.